Vasemman käden nimettömän sormensa lauantaina Assenissa kaatuessaan pahasti loukannut Kallio päätti yhdessä Pramac Racing-tallin kanssa, että tässä tilanteessa kilpailumatka on jätettävä väliin.
– Asiasta tehtiin päätös maanantai-iltana. Tallin kanssa sovittiin, että nyt parempi jättää yksi kisa väliin, levätä ja hoidattaa sormi mahdollisimman hyvään kuntoon, ettei loppukausi olisi vaarassa, Mika Kallio kertoi harmissaan.
– Olen ajanut yli sata MM-osakilpailua putkeen ja tämä on nyt minulle ensimmäinen kerta, kun kisa jää väliin. Onhan se outoa katsella tuleva kisa television välityksellä, Mika tuumaili.
Sormi operoidaan vasta Englannin kisan jälkeen
Kallio kävi maanantaina tutkituttamassa sormensa käsikirurgilla Tampereella. Sormen nivelet ja hermot eivät onneksi olleet vaurioituneet.
– Sormeen ei voida tehdä ihonsiirtoa ennen, kun siihen on kasvanut pintakudos uudelleen. Tämä merkitsee sitä, että ihonsiirto tehdään todennäköisesti Englannin kisan jälkeen heinäkuun lopulla, summasi Kallio.
– Tavoitteena on olla viivalla USA:n kisan jälkeen ajettavassa Saksan MM-osakilpailussa, jonne on aikaa vielä kaksi ja puoli viikkoa.
Pramac Racingin tiedote:
After the accident occurred last June 27th during the Dutch GP, Pramac Racing rider Mika Kallio will miss the next MotoGP round in Laguna Seca, USA. The ring finger of his left hand, injured during the accident on the Assen circuit, doesn’t allow the Finnish rider to step on his Ducati Desmosedici GP9 Sat next 5th July for the US Grand Prix. The finger, during the fall, was burnt in the final part reaching the bone and making lose forever the nail to Mika. Luckily the nervous system of the finger hasn’t been damaged. At the moment a bandage has been placed on the finger so the it can be disinfected daily, but soon, probably after Sachsenring and Donington race, a new part of skin will be stitch up on the top of the finger to definitely close it. During the next two European races Mika will have to use an imitation skin protection on the injured finger. Pramac Racing Team has decided to don’t substitute the Scandinavian rider for Laguna Seca weekend, but will race only with Niccolò Canepa.
Fabiano Sterlacchini – Pramac Racing Team Technical Director
”Mika’s condition are surely better than what we thought straight after the race, but notwithstanding this we preferred to give him a weekend off to recover. This would have been for him the first time in Laguna Seca and with his precarious physical conditions we preferred to don’t take any more risk and make him be at the best in three weeks time for Sachsenring. Mika will not go under surgery in these weeks before the German GP, but will continue to follow medications and cleaning of the injured finger to avoid infection and further complications. For this motive the Pramac Racing Team will race in Laguna Seca only with one rider, Italian Niccolò Canepa who will make his debut on the Californian circuit.”
Mika Kallio – Pramac Racing Rider
”I was so excited to race in Laguna Seca, but I guess destiny wanted to be this way and I will have to renounce. It’s a pity. We have taken this decision together with Pramac Racing Managers and I think this is probably the best solution. Laguna would have been a new circuit to learn for me and with precarious physical conditions we thought it would have been too risky. I will look after my self in the best way possible to be in good form at the Sachsenring, which is by the way one of my favorites circuits of the world championship. I wish all the best to Niccolò who will have to do well for the Pramac Team this weekend.”